Saturday, August 2, 2014

Weaning Off Coffee

Kicking the coffee habit has been a beast.

I had no idea I was so addicted.  I see myself as a person with few vices (chocolate doesn't count, right?), so realizing how deep my dependence on coffee has been has shaken some of my personal confidence.  I want a cup of coffee more than a lot of things, and that's saying something.

That being said, I have been off coffee for about a month now, and I feel like I have finally broken the physical dependence.  The mental/emotional need for coffee is still strong, and I'm anticipating it will be a few more months before I can get through a full day without longing for a cup, but physically, I'm fine.  Not happy, but fine.

I didn't research weaning off caffeine until late in the weaning process, but my progression was some of what I read.  Here is how I weaned off coffee:

Days 1 and 2:  1/4 decaf and 3/4 regular coffee.

Days 3 and 4: 1/2 decaf and 1/2 regular.

Days 5 and 6: 3/4 decaf and 1/4 regular

Days 7 and 8: 100% decaf

Day 9 and beyond: cold turkey! 

This formula is not for the faint of heart.   I still had some headaches, and my energy was very low.  However, I got through the process quickly, which was what I wanted. 

Keep in mind that your body will be going through a tough time during this approach (or any weaning time).  Make sure you drink extra water, get lots of rest, and eat well.  Your body will need some babying as it is working hard!

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